Mia Mottley – the voice of reason

As we head towards the close of Global Entrepreneurship Week 2021, taking pride in all the wonderful activities engaged in, spotted, and shared, it is timely to reflect upon how and why we should take things forward with speed. That we should indeed, take every opportunity to skill our children and young people to tackle the world’s challenges, including those defined by the SDGs and more recently subsumed within the COP’s 2030 emissions reductions target.

I have listened in to world leaders over the last couple of weeks, stirred by many. One woman of note was Mia Amor Mottley, the Prime Minister of Barbados. The clear and focused message from Mia being that we need to adopt a global approach employing more systemic effort to come together to work towards our common interests.

“Do any country leaders believe they can survive and thrive on their own?”

“Have we not learnt from the pandemic?”

So take heed any national government who believe nationalist priorities that serve a narrow segment of communities will bring health or prosperity. There should be no space nor resource afforded to the greed and selfishness of sectarian elitism that will disrupt multi-cultural progress on pressuring human agendas.

I appeal to my own country, Wales, to wake up, take note. We are connected to the world, a world that we must all enthusiastically directly engage in, and take responsibility for.

Don’t let county-line cultural purism and monopolistic ambition distract from important work, or risk driving out or discriminating against genuinely creative talent – which jeopardises the futures of all our people. You follow a dangerous path.

So today I raise up Mia Amor Motley, a voice of reason. – my kind of leader. The type who believes we ought to think as a human race, focus on what joins us not divides us, with the aim to develop all individuals, irrespective of their cultural heritage, to support entrepreneurship that yields creative thinkers, innovators and entrepreneurs that will develop the moonshots and the big ideas that will not only transform local regions but help heal the world.

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