Entrepreneurial spirit unleashed

In an update this week for ‘EntreCompEdu’, the multi-country project aimed at strengthening teacher competences for entrepreneurial learning, I reported on the magnificent commitment of our teachers and support staff to our learners and families through our global crises.

“Covid-19 has hit education hard, pushing the ‘brick and mortar’ school into uncharted territory. Placing unprecedented demands on teachers to purposefully adapt to remote teaching, with efficiency, integrity, creativity, compassion and enthusiasm. Teachers are now designing learning that must also connect directly with parents and carers, to undertake curriculum-driven home-schooling in lock-down. They are experimenting with, and harnessing new technologies and resource pools, to attend to all types of pupil need and home context. Furthermore, they must frequently contact families by phone, provide individualised feedback housed in online accounts, and routinely engage in the schools left open for key worker children. This omits consideration that many also have their own home-schooling and care responsibilities to accommodate”….

Follow the fully story on EntreCompEdu on how ‘entrepreneurial’ online CPD has proven to be an efficient and accessible source of support and development, fuelling their adaptability and agility to cope with Covid-19 instigated challenges.

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