A post for my mother

As much as I denounce the commercialisation of this day, alongside many other celebrations, I do enjoy this one. In some ironic way, the pre-marked calendar date forces a break in an otherwise chaotic and fast-moving existence. Today, I take all the goodness (& rest) I can. Being present, humble about my gifts [that are my children] and reflecting on all that has been, and continues to be, invested in me by my own mother. Tracing back too, in my mind, to my parents mothers’- the love, support, time, attention, wisdoms and many sacrifices.

I thank my mum today especially for the mental support, particularly through the intense grief of losing Dad, and more recently, the stress and strains of lockdown. I also thank her for her gentle spirit, and her love of literature and poetry, which has so positively infused my life.

Walking, I am listening to a deeper way. Suddenly, all my ancestors are behind me, Be still, they say Watch and listen. You are the result of the love of thousands – Linda Hogan (b.1947) Native American writer

Mum, with my older sister and me, Mum with her mother and me; Mum holding my younger twin brother and sister, Mum & I with my own three.
Larger: Mum, just months pre-Covid.

Today I am also VERY proud to receive an acrostic poem, a gift penned by my eldest Zachery (8). I will treasure forever.

Happy Mother’s Day!

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