Celebrating new publication on Entrepreneurial Education: Reflections on EntreCompEdu

I am thrilled to announce the publication of a new chapter titled ‘Reflecting on the potential of EntreCompEdu to stimulate teachers’ entrepreneurial thinking and activities’. This work, co-authored by an international team, Dr Russell Grigg, myself, Hazel Israel, Elin McCallum, and Lea Oksanen, is part of the new book Stimulating Entrepreneurial Activity in a European Context: Reflections on Programmes, Courses, and Cases edited by Sílvia Costa, Aard Groen, Francisco Liñán, and Alain Fayolle. The book is published in the European Research in Entrepreneurship series by Edward Elgar Publishing.

Reflecting on teacher education reforms and the inclusion of entrepreneurship education (EE), our work provides a critical examination of how best to equip educators in fostering entrepreneurial competencies among learners, from primary school children to adults. In the chapter, we delve into the policy context that necessitated the development of the Erasmus + funded EntreCompEdu CPD project [I heartily shared through many a Emergent Thinkers.com posting], its main components, and real-life applications through contrasting case studies. We discuss the importance of quality teaching, the significant role teacher education plays in shaping this quality, and how entrepreneurial education can work when effectively implemented. The case studies highlight Dafen School’s inspiring journey and lessons from Finland, showcasing the impact of a dedicated, community-centric educational model and the challenges of implementing the EntreCompEdu framework in a context where entrepreneurship education is well-established.


Archived ET.com reporting on EntreCompEdu journey

Drawing on our experiences during the pilot phase of EntreCompEdu implementation, we aim to offer educators, policymakers, and entrepreneurial facilitators a reflective understanding of the framework’s potential. This chapter is a testament to our shared belief in the transformative power of entrepreneurial education and the critical role of reflective practice in professional development.

To access the chapter, visit Edward Elgin Publishing’s website. https://www.e-elgar.com/shop/gbp/stimulating-entrepreneurial-activity-in-a-european-context-9781802200676.html and

https://www.elgaronline.com/edcollchap/book/9781802200683/book-part-9781802200683-15.xml you can access full intro chapter here: https://www.elgaronline.com/edcollchap/book/9781802200683/book-part-9781802200683-7.xml?tab_body=pdf-copy1

Here’s to many more milestones in our shared journey towards an entrepreneurial future.


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